The Club aims to hold at least one social event each quarter. These may include talks, skittles evenings, quiz nights – usually with an American supper or refreshments – coach trips, local visits and a Christmas event.
Upcoming Events
All events shown must be booked in advance.
Posh Nosh
We meet about every 2 to 3 months in a Bristol restaurant for lunch usually using their lunchtime specials menu. For more information on the next meeting please contact Gill by phone on 0117 962 0376 or email
Details of the next lunch have been sent to Members.
Map Reading
Roger is planning to hold a further “in the field” map reading session in October. Details and choice of dates have been circulated to Members.
Lynton Weekend
Roger is organising a walking weekend in Lynton, Devon, from Friday 20 to Monday 23 September 2024. Further details can be found in the Summer 2023 Newsletter Contact Roger if you are interested.
For further information on this and any aspect of our activities, please ring our Chairman, Roger Guck 07545 596184 or email